Payable Services

Revised SOR Rates for After Sales for PNG control Room Services effective from 16.11.20.

S. No.  Activity Description  UOM A
( Service Charge) 
(Material Cost ) 
(Visit Charge) 
Amount ( A+ B + C  )  Remarks
1 Removal and Installation  of meter and copper tubig upto MCV Nos.  1000 0 200 1200 Removal : 400 , Installation:600, Visit charge for removal:100, Visit charge for installation:100
2 Removal of GI including MCV and refixing as in original Nos.  1000 0 200 1200 Removal : 400 , Installation:600, Visit charge for removal:100, Visit charge for installation:100
3 Additional laying of GI wothout any removal of GI including fitting of MCV inside kitchen
A 1/2"  Meters 400 0 100 500  
3/4"  Meters 425 0 100 525  
4 Addition/Alteration in  copper tubing  only . This activity invlolves only the copper tubing work on the downstream of Meter without requiring any removing of the meter ( 12 mm diaX 0.6mm Thickness) Meters 375 0 100 475  
5 Visit charges for the above activity caused by non availability/ non readyness of the customer at decided time. Min Charges per visit to customer premises 0 0 100 100  
6 Calibration Check of PNG meter, if requested by the customer Nos.  500 0 100 Actual incurred cost of calibration  + Rs. 600 1. Refundable in case of error found in meter.
2. Rs. 200 for new meter Instalaltion and removal of old meter 
3. Rs. 100 Visit Charges
7 Tempering or damage in PNG Installation  Nos.  5000 0 100 5100  
8 Temperarory Disconnection of gas supply to customer Nos.  125 0 125 250 A) Rs. 250 for only appliance valve removal and plug.
 B) Dismentling of (GI pipe 3/4", 1/2" and Cu pipe)-Rs. 93 per meter+ Rs. 250
9 Permanent disconnection of gas supply to customer Nos. 125 0 125 250 A) Rs. 250 for only appliance valve removal and plug.
 B) Dismentling of (GI pipe 3/4", 1/2" and Cu pipe)-Rs. 93 per meter+ Rs. 250
10 SOR for Valves and Fittings 
A  Meter Control Valve ( MCV 3/4 ")  Nos.  0 300 0 300  
B  Union Connector ( 3/4 " X 12 mm )  Nos.  0 300 0 300  
C  Adaptor ( 1/2 " X 12 mm )  Nos.  0 300 0 300  
D SS  Appliance Valve Nos.  0 300 0 300  
E Flexible Hose ( Ananconda)  Nos.  0 300 0 300  
F Copper Tee  Nos.  0 300 0 300  
G Any  other Copper Fitting  Nos.  0 250 0 250  
Any  other GI Fitting  Nos.  0 150 0 150  
11 SOR for Rates for Attending Stove Burner and Rubber Tube Call outs
A Burner/Nozzle cleaning  Each Burner  50 0 100 150  
B Burner cleaning with caustic soda Each Burner  75 0 100 175  
C Second Stove Conversion (SCV) ( In case of new stove purchased by the customer)  Each Burner  50 0 100 150 Rs. 50 for each burner conversion
D SCV – Cooking Range  Each Burner  300 0 100 400  
E Casting Burner- Small  Each Burner  150 0 100 250  
F Casting Burner- Big Each Burner  200 0 100 300  
G Brass Burner – Small  Each Burner  200 0 100 300  
Spindle Change ( Port provided for connecting rubber tube )  Each Burner  100 0 100 200  
Cooking Range Knob Each Burner  50 0 100 150  
J Knob Change Each Burner  50 0 100 150  
K Gas Cock Valve Each Burner  150 0 100 250  
L Conversion of Geyser to PNG  Per Geyser 250 0 100 350  
Flame Problem  ( Free within 15 days of NG conversion)  Each Burner  50 0 100 150  
Remarks : For the SOR Items for SOR no. 11  applicable charges shall be(  Unit price X nos. of hotplate + Visit charge applicable for 01 time )
12 Geyser Connection With GI 
For the Geyser connection , the rates of laying of GI shall be as per SOR Sr. no. 03 in addition to the fitting charges as  per SOR no. 9 (H) and SOR no. 10 ( L)    0 0 100  As mentioned in SOR no. 11 in addition to the visit charges   
  Emergency Call, leakage from GI,Copper any fitting , rubber tube , MDPE    Free 0 Free    
15 MDPE Pipeline Shifting 
A 20 mm dia Meters 302 25 0 327 Remarks : 1. The said charges are applicable when the trench is made available by the customer , if the same is not made available then a price of Rs. 500/- per day per manpower engaged shall be paid by customer 2. The Fitting Charges shall be extra at actual as per prevailing rates.
B 32 mm dia Meters 325 50 0 375
C 63 mm dia Meters 335 150 0 485
E 125 mm dia Meters 435 532 0 967
16 Steel Reinforced Rubber Tube  Replacement  Nos.  0 100 100 200